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Tagged Image File Format  |  1989-04-24  |  151KB  |  2544x3300
Labels: crt screen | hakham | monitor | person | sidewalk | sky | windowpane
OCR: AppleShare IIGS Workstation Soj ftware Cargal : Overview AppleShare' IIcs Workstation work also allows Apple IIGS printer is as easy as using a Sofi ware gives users : at Apple HIcs* users tc start up from the filc SCT loxal ProDOS Qr serial computers access to AppleShare ver, without using local disk printer file servers. network printers drives. Apple IIGS users can print AppleShare IGS Workstation (such as the Apple LaserWriter to network printer arl I share Software is ideally suited to the and Image Writer"), and Apple- information stored or Apple requirements users in educa- Share print servers, via the built-in Share file servers. At the same tional environments who UEM LocalTalk port on the Apple HGS. lime other Apple II, Macintosh" } share printers and reduce the Appleshare ICS, i ...